UDA Party storms Tharaka fete to enlist members ahead of polls

UDA Party has intensified its membership drive, taking advantage of an ongoing cultural fete in Tharaka Nithi County to shore up the numbers.

The Party has pitched tents at Ura Gate, one of the entrances of Meru National Park, where the fifth edition of the Tharaka Cultural Festival is underway to also give interested members an opportunity to join the party.

A team from the UDA secretariat has camped at the colourful event that showcases the cultural diversity of the Tharaka community, taking advantage of the huge numbers at the event to enlist more members into the party.

Party Leader, President William Ruto has announced that the much anticipated grassroot elections will be conducted in December. Before the polls are conducted, the party has undertaken to recruit more members, for them to be eligible to take part in the elections.

Party Secretary General Sen. Cleophas Malalah has indicated that UDA Party will hold a flurry of activities that will culminate in the party’s national elections.

“We will be very active between now and December when we hold our grassroot elections. We want to enlist as many members into the party as possible to ensure that they participate in the elections. We are building a party that will outlive the current leadership,” said Malalah.

The theme for this year’s edition of the Tharaka cultural festival is: “Embracing cultural diversity for social cohesion and economic development”. The fete runs from 14-16th September 2023.

The Festival was opened by Tourism Cabiner Secretary Ms. Peninah Malonza and attended by among others Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki, a UDA Party Governor. The colorful event brings together cultural leaders from Tharaka Nithi and neighbouring counties.

Leading the UDA secretariat team at the event is Manager in-charge of Medium Small and Micro Enterprises (MSMEs) Mr.Sebastian Mwangangi.

Other members of the Secretariat present are Mr.Dishon Mwasingo (Manager Transport), Miss.Florence Nevda (Membership officer), Marvin Orengo (Communication officer) and William Shitote (Driver)

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