Conclusion of Grassroots elections in Busia County.

Today the UDA Party has conclusively reached the apex of Grassroots elections in Busia County. The party now boasts of having officials across all levels from polling centers to the County level within Busia. However, despite some candidates developing “democratic phobia” and abstained from the exercise, the election concluded without a major hitch worthy noting.

UDA PARTY GRASSROOTS ELECTION.  Phase 2 Sensitization Workshops.

Preparations for phase 2 of the Party Grassroots Elections are in top gear with the start of sensitization workshops meant to capacity build aspirants and members on the entire electronic process. Phase 2 counties include: Tharaka-Nithi, Nyandarua, Garissa, Wajir, Kitui, Machakos, Mombasa, Uasin-Gishu, Kisii, Bungoma ,Kwale,Taita-Taveta & Siaya. #UDAGrassRootsElection #KaziNiKazi #UDADigital


Busia County Level Elections. Smooth voting process ongoing at the DCC Hall- Busia Town . NEB Vice-Chair- Mrs. Veronica Kiberenge is overseeing the process. #UDAGrassRootsElection #KaziNiKazi #UDADigital

The UDA Party Secretariat attended a Gender inclusivity and strategic plan workshop within Political parties hosted by the Center for MultiParty Democracy (CMD) at the Sheraton hotel-Nairobi.

The UDA Party Secretariat attended a Gender inclusivity and strategic plan workshop within Political parties hosted by the Center for MultiParty Democracy (CMD) at the Sheraton hotel-Nairobi. The UDA team was led by Director Daniel Kiptoo- Programs and Partnership and Director Halake Waqo Halake- Special Interest Groups and Minority communities. Party managers and officers were...
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