The Secretary General Sen. Hassan Omar engaged UDA Comrades Chapter, bringing together student leaders from all universities, mentoring them on leadership. 

Hassan, himself a former university student leader, encouraged the student leaders to take a leading role in the country’s political affairs and not shy from expressing themselves on matters leadership.

He told the youthful leaders that the UDA Party was running many programmes towards inspiring and mentoring the youth into political leadership.

The university leaders appreciated the dynamism of the UDA Party and expressed willingness to partner with the political outfit in undertaking it’s programmes to build their political capacity.

The meeting was also attended by Kenya’s ambassador to Saudi Arabia Mr. Mohammed Ramadhan Ruwange and Party Directors Daniel Kiptoo (Programme), Joseph Mulili (Finance), Sam Mwangi (Membership) Rob Jillo (Communications) Halake Waqo (SIG’s) and Emmanuel Kibet (Legal affairs )

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