The united Democratic Alliance (UDA) Party has successfully concluded a four-days training of aspirants on the forthcoming party polls.

The National Elections board (NEB) assured the candidates that the grassroot elections will be conducted in a free and transparent manner

Speaking during the closing day, NEB Chairman Eng. Antony Mwaura told the aspirants to expect the most transparent party elections in the country.

“Elections will be free and air. We want people elected by their people on the ground. We want this party to be a party of the masses at the grassroots,” he said.

Mr Mwaura said the party elections will be electronic but party members must present themselves physically at the polling station to cast their vote.

Narok and West Pokot County leaders expressed confidence in the NEB.

The aspirants said they were impressed with the preparations done so far towards the election.

Counties that underwent sensitization between April 11 and 15 include Homabay, Busia, Isiolo, Garissa, Narok, West Pokot and Nairobi.

Phase one of Grassroots Elections are scheduled for 26th April 2024.

West Pokot Governor Simon Kachapin said they were satisfied with the elections plan and had been taught what to expect.

“The election board has assured free and fair elections, UDA will be a formidable force in West Pokot and in Kenya,” he said.

Narok Governor Patrick Ole Ntutu urged counties to conduct massive registrations using the party register.

“Let us leverage on the new technology, I fully support it,” said Governor Ntutu who is eying the Chairperson post in Narok County.

Sigor MP Peter Lochakapong expressed confidence in Mwaura’s leadership, noting that he led a successful party nominations during 2022 nominations.

Narok Woman MP Rebecca Tonkei said most candidates will embark on full scale poll preparations since they are now well informed.

West Pokot Woman Rep MP Rael Aleutum of Kenya Union Party (KUP) said she will vie on a UDA party ticket come 2027.

She said UDA will grow to a formidable party in the future to steer the country unity and growth.


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